BUILT TO FLOAT, a memory play

Built to Float 2021 title card.png

Tess quietly crusades to keep it together, working full time as a phlebotomist and caring for her ailing mother Marjorie who likes to harp on Tess’s dormant dreams of becoming a doctor. Suddenly, her sister Roz shows back up from rehab, pledging high expectations and a clean slate. When stranger William, an echo of their deceased father, arrives in town with a tempting new avenue of employment, Tess’s mental health disintegrates, thus forcing them all to wrestle with the meaning of blame, inheritance, and survival.

3W, 1M

Learn more via NPX.

  • Winner, 2018 Essential Theatre Playwriting Award for Georgia Playwrights

  • Semi-Finalist, 2015 New Dramatists Princess Grace Award (as Taking So Long)